1. This movie is in the Guinness Book for the largest number of producers – 5 lakh of them! Which one?
2. Fill in the blanks: _____, Aparajito, Apur Sansar.
3. It was originally founded in 1940 as Standard Games in Honolulu, Hawaii, by Martin Bromely, Irving Bromberg, and James Humpert to provide coin-operated amusements for American servicemen on military bases. Bromely suggested that the company move to Tokyo in 1951, and "Service Games of Japan" became registered in Japan in May of 1952. How do we know it today?
4. Which fictional character’s license plate reads: AU 1?
5. Which form of crowd celebration was introduced by spectators during the 1986 football World Cup?
Answers go here (please open in a new window). Deadline - Friday, September 3rd 2010 at 2359 hrs.
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